Care Instructions

At Jacob & Roy we use charcoal in our pots to absorb water. Charcoal stores  carbon and nutrients, and enhances growth. We also use river stones to help with drainage. We use premium soil which contains a range of ingredients to achieve great results. Finally we use peat moss as a top coat, this helps with protecting against temperature extremes and moisture loss. Peat moss also looks great!

Have you tried everything on your care instructions and your plants are still struggling? Below is a list of the main causes for your plants to be unhappy.

Too much water. We recommend watering your plants once a week 50-100 ml as a general guide (that's what we do), this can vary from one environment to another. Over watering is common, this can cause plants to drop leaves and brown on the leaves.

Too little water. Stick your finger deep in the soil, if it feels dry you most likely need to add a little bit of water.

Too cold. Indoor plants belong indoors for a reason, make sure they are not near a draught. If you are cold, then so are your plants.

Too much light. Plants need light but be careful leaving them exposed to direct light for too long. Filtered light is preferable.

Too little light. Plants do not do well in the dark. A good practice is to see if your plant can see the sky from where you have placed it, if they can great, if not move them to a position they can. Plants will actually grow towards the natural light.

Every plant is different and every plant parent has a unique home with unique conditions. Plants are living, breathing wonders and can require a bit of patience and love to ensure they are growing happily.

If you still run into difficulty with your plants health we recommend jumping on Google or YouTube and research your specific plant and your specific home conditions. There is a wealth of information out there and if you dig hard enough you will find the root of your plant issues.  


Hoya Carnosa (Hoya)

Water when the potting soil becomes almost completely dry. Water in the morning. Pour the water evenly over the soil. Always keep the season in mind when caring for a Hoya.


Calathea Orbifolia (Prayer Plant)

Keep in indirect sunlight but can also survive shady spots. It requires moist soil with drainage and fertilising in spring and autumn. The Calathea range enjoys moist and humid environments as its mainly found in  rain forests. Its best kept in kitchens and bathrooms, mist leaves when possible. 


Indian Rope Hoya (Hoya Compacta)

The Hoya tolerates dry soil well, however they do prefer weekly watering during the summer. I water mine every two weeks in the cooler months and once a week during the warmer months. Dig your finger deep into the soil before watering allow the top 1/3 of the soil to dry out between watering. Keep the Hoya where they will get bright light with direct sun in the morning, they will tolerate shade however filtered light is preferred.


 Tineke Ficus (Ficus Elastica)

Keep in indirect sunlight. Water moderately in spring and summer and keep the soil moist. During the winter water the Ficus only every couple of weeks. Ficus plants do not like waterlogged roots, try not to over water. 


Zanzibar Gem (Zamioculcas Zamiifolia)
The Zanzibar Gem is drought tolerant due to the potato like rhizome that stores water. Due to its watering storing nature you don't have to water your Zanzibar Gem very often. Allow it to completely dry out between watering. For your plant to thrive, position in bright indirect sunlight however, it can do well in low light levels too.

Cradle Lilly

Native to Belize, Guatemala, and Southern Mexico. Depending on where you come from it may be known as Moses in the Cradle, Oyster Plant or Boat Lily.  The Tradescantia Silver has pointed fleshy leaves with green leaves with a silver sheen atop and a dark purple underside. They grow well in a warm position but also tolerate cooler temperatures and require low to medium water.


Parlour Palm (Chamaedorea Elegans)

Native to the rainforest of Southern Mexico and Guatemala, the Parlour Palm is the most sought-after indoor palm around today. Water your Parlour Palm sparingly – underwatering is better than over watering. Allow the soil to dry out between watering and even less in winter.


Dragon Tail (Epipremnum Pinnatum)

The Dragon Tail grows well in bright, indirect sunlight but will also tolerate low light conditions. Dragon Tails are drought tolerant and don't require a lot of water. Allow the top layer of soil to dry between watering.


Pink Princess (Philodendron Erubescens) 

The Pink Princess prefers bright indirect sunlight. Allow the top inch of soil to dry out between watering’s. Droopy leaves can mean the plant is getting too much or not enough water. The plants leaves will recover quickly when correct watering schedule is maintained.


Peperomia (Peperomia Obtusifolia)

Water your Peperomia sparingly and allow the soil to dry out between watering. The Peperomia is an easy plant to care for, give it minimal water once and forget about it for a while and fertilise occasionally.


Tineke Ficus (Ficus Elastica) 

Keep in indirect sunlight. Water moderately in spring and summer and keep the soil moist. During the winter water the Ficus only every couple of weeks. Ficus plants do not like waterlogged roots, try not to over water.


Rhipsalis Micrantha

This stunning plant comes from the cactus family so it's perfect for a new plant parent, very easy to care for and best of all it will even produce you flowers with a little love and care. Requires low watering and indirect sunlight.


Black Velvet (Alocasia)

The large almost black leaves contrast against the silver veins which makes these plants a feature in your space. Requires low watering and indirect sunlight.